Saturday, 30 August 2014



His name has been changed to Squeak.

Arfon, as a name, was what I call a place-holder. I gave him the name on a short-term basis when I intended to re-home him, knowing his new owner would just change it anyway. Much to my surprise, that turned out to be me. As I wasn't all that keen on it anyway, I waited until something else cropped up and ended up calling him Squeak which is not the most original name for a cat. So, why? Because I'd be sitting here typing when I'd hear a squeak, look down, and see him at my feet wanting to jump on my knee and be cuddled. And there you go.

Except for some more photos of this totally delightful, playful, loveable, affectionate kitten-cat.


This has been one of those weeks where I've been quite busy but there's nothing to write at any great length about. This is how the re-homing's been going.

Five cats and kittens have been adopted this week and we have several more solidly reserved and provisionally reserved. 16 have been adopted in total for August and there are still two days to go so we're having a good month. If you want to see the details check out this link to my list of cats/kittens adopted in 2014-

And, of course, there's the regular list of those available for adoption with photo and description at-


Very rarely, and only when we're absolutely desperate, do we temporarily house cats and kittens upstairs in our charity shop. Currently we have two kittens and one pregnant cat. As the kittens are old enough for adoption I doubt if they'll be there much longer. The photos below are courtesy of Lauren F to whom my thanks. The first is the adult followed by the kittens. (Like, duh!)


This bit has nothing to do with cats but it's my blog, so there.

Went to my doctor's yesterday for a checkup and she told me I have the blood pressure of a young man's. She didn't specify whom.

Just had Sky removed and Virgin installed. This had the unexpected bonus of having my landline moved into the living room and right next to the tv with the clutter of cables in my lobby removed. Result!

For anyone into good music I'd like to recommend Lucy Ward and her second album-

She's an incredibly talented 24-year old folkie slash singer-songer writer with an amazing voice and a big personality. Check her out on You Tube. I'll be writing about her in more depth on my Freethinking blog sometime soon.

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