Friday, 14 May 2010


Carol is full up with cats so Tracy, who runs a cattery/rescue up at Burnhope (see earlier post), offered to take our excess. One was a friendly short-haired tortoiseshell which had been handed in at the shop and left there overnight. Then there were two pregnant cats handed in to Carol, one of which had a litter within hours. Here they are. The first phot is a little misleading as their colour is black.
Burhope is up in the hills some seven miles west of Durham and about twenty from Sunderland, but psychologically it feels quite an isolated place surrounded by farmland and large wind-farms. Tracy runs the cattery to fund the rescue. Apart from a couple of her own cats and dogs, she also keeps chickens, donkeys and horses. and three FIV-infected ferals which have the run of the cattery grounds and live quite happily with the birds.
This feral, but actually friendly, cat decided to claim my bag which I'd left on the ground. It contains a pad of neutering vouchers from Cats Protection and I was going to fill out four for Tracy.
This young brother and sister have been hand-reared by Tracy from two weeks old and are incredibly friendly, purring as soon as they are touched and happy to jump on you. Why they, and several others, haven't been re-homed by now is beyond me.
This young kitten was so lively I could only get a photo of him by having Tracy pick him up because it was the only way to stop him moving.

This morning I took three cats to the vets in Sunderland. You can see a photo of them being held by Susan in the previous post. for the third cat, this was the second attempt to take him. Last time, as mentioned in a prior post of a couple of weeks ago, he broke out of his carrying case and sped off down the street but was trapped a couple of days later. When I introduced him to the staff of Williams & Cummings, I called him The Escapist. Well, when I pick him up in about half an hour The Escapist will be missing his balls.

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